The moment you set an intention – what you are intend to bring in, you are making the most powerful move to turn an idea into action. Action is where the momentum towards turning your intention into a reality, really gets going!
I find it really helpful to go through the following steps to identify what I really want to create in my life and then allow the process to tune in, check if this is aligned to me right now and get creating!
Below is my 7 step guide to bring your intention into your reality.
Step 1: Ground or centre yourself
Before bringing the intention to paper, take a moment to centre yourself by coming into the present moment. A few deep breaths can help you do this. Then gently bring your attention to your heart space. Connect with your heart by visualising and feeling into what it would feel like to be living your dreams right now. Tune into the senses as well, what would it sound / taste / smell like? Does it feel like something you really want? (Note – not what society thinks you might want!) When you come from the heart space with your intention, you are connecting with the frequency of the heart, your true self. Moving from the mind to the heart. This is the fastest and most effective way to manifesting!
I find it helpful to set intentions in line with the new moon. It is an ideal time for planting those seeds and setting intentions. It is super powerful to tune into ourselves and our environment when we are looking to create or manifest something in our lives!
Step 2: Write (or draw) your intention as if it is already happening
So once you have centered yourself, write or draw your intention. This will be from the space that it is already happening. When you do this, you are actually allowing the universe to deliver it to you because you want more of what you have already! You are giving yourself permission to move into alignment with your highest self.
Step 3: Stick to one or a few intentions at a time only
It is so easy to get carried away with intentions (I often have loads!!), but the key is to keep it fairly focussed to one or a few. You are then going to focus your energy on these. The universe will know you are serious about them!
Step 4: Go for the ideal outcome
Some say Go big or Go home, which makes me giggle, but think about what would be the ideal outcome for you (you don’t have to go big or go home!). It might be the ideal next step or it might be the end outcome, this is important to distinguish which is right for you as we are all different, for some it will be one or the other!
Step 5: Notice if there is any resistance around your intention
Ok, so this is where we might need to have some self awareness. When you are writing your intention, is there anything that is coming up for you around that intention? Do the feelings represent lightness and expansion, ease and grace? Or do they feel desperate and fearful? If you experience the later, there may be some limiting beliefs to work on or blocks to work through. Have an open mind when exploring this area and do seek assistance if you feel you might need support.
Another thing is you might need to release the idea of what you think the intention outcome might look like and timings. You may find you set your intentions monthly and that some intentions move over from one month to the next. And that is absolutely fine! As long as you are taking aligned action (that is action that is aligned to you), the universe has your back as Gabby Bernstein would say!
Step 6: Let it go – move into non attachment and trust
Once the intentions are written down or drawn, the next step is to let go. Eek – how does this feel for you?! Ideally, we move into non attachment (i.e. not attaching to the outcome or the process), and trust in the timing. It’s really important to understand you are where you are at that particular time for a reason. There is something for us to learn, always, and the process is key.
We don’t have all the answers, but trusting and non attachment is absolutely key, we don’t know what is coming up for us, and that is the exciting beautiful part of it! Trust the process!
Step 7: Keep the intentions somewhere special!
This part is quite personal. You can keep your intentions either in a journal, or write them on a piece of paper that you can look at on a regular basis. Or perhaps place the intentions under your pillow at night and allow the intention energy to seep into your subconscious while you sleep!
And that is it! Trust the process!
Share below if this has been helpful, and what you have created in your life as a result of following the 7 steps!
To understand how you personally manifest, why not book in a fabulous Manifestation Blueprint Reading with me, which is a bespoke soul reading for you, looking at the nuances of your unique Soul Blueprint that you can apply in everyday life to focus your intent and manifest your reality!
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Find your balance, rediscover your soul gifts and watch as your life blossoms and flows before your very eyes.