Crystals are beautiful to have around you, not just because they look gorgeous, but because they have incredible energetic properties that can act as tools to help guide you across areas of your life.
It was so tricky to choose just 8 of my faves, but here are a select few I commonly use in my own life and with clients:
Rose Quartz
The rose quartz has a beautiful, gentle energy. It can provide a calming effect on the body and mind. It represents compassion and love, perhaps to guide on relationships with others and with yourself. Helps bring joy and passion to your life. Has specific affinity with the heart and Root chakras.
The Amethyst has a beautiful peaceful and relaxing energy. Soothes and balances areas of your life. It also helps with enhancing your spiritual awareness into your life. Has specific affinity with the crown chakra.
Selenite is fantastic to help cleanse and purify your energy field and other crystals. It has a high vibration of light and has a strong affinity with the crown chakra.
The moonstone is a particular crystal that is close to my heart. It helps to restore feminine energies in the body, and I wore it when breast feeding my daughter. It is also associated with intuition and creativity. It has a strong affinity with the sacral, solar and crown chakras.
Clear Quartz
Most days I work with the clear quartz as it amplifies intention, great for crystal grids! This is also a great crystal to clear negative energies and restore balance. Another fabulous crown chakra crystal!
Also known as “Fools Gold” because it is super shiny! It is great to help you focus on bringing motivation and physical strength into your life. It is also a lovely one to work with manifestation intentions and dream setting. Currently, a regular on my crystal grids as we end the year and start thinking about intentions for the next!
Green Aventurine
Also known as “Stone of opportunity”, thought to be the luckiest of all crystals! It brings optimism and confidence, helping you to move forward with your goals and embrace changes. This is on my bedside table as I love the calming green colour, it can guide with removing obstacles, ideal for sleep.
I go through stages working with obsidian, it can be very powerful bringing things up that need to be cleared, but it can be used to bring peace, self-love, patience and happiness and truth. I love the snowflake obsidian, as it reflects the winter period of resting, allowing us to slow down (and it is super pretty!).
For those interested in working with crystals, some of these are for sale with Soul Blossom. Free collection and drop off locally! Alternatively, I offer Crystal reiki healing either in person or distance healing options available.
Feel free to book an appointment or get in touch via email if you are interested!
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