Our body’s chakra system comprises of 7 main chakras. There are many more, but we will stick with the main 7 today!
Chakras are energy centres which control certain areas and organs in our body. This system also stores information. As our body’s cells are constantly renewing themselves, there is a fantastic potential to change and influence this information. We can do this through our thoughts, feelings, behaviours, and through what we eat and drink.
Everybody is unique; however you can learn to listen to your own internal system and energy to navigate the everyday through the chakra system.
Here is a quick lowdown on the 7 chakras; colour, location and what balance and imbalance looks like. Ways to balance have also been included to offer a way for you to connect with your energy body and re discover that balance.
Root Chakra
The Root chakra is visualised as the colour red and located at the base of our spine and lower limbs. It is our connection with nature and characterised in the formative years providing the foundations of security, self-esteem, belonging and our basic instincts. When in balance we feel secure, safe in ourselves and environment. Out of balance we may feel fearful, lack (perhaps emotionally or of our physical resources), we may also feel chronic fatigue for example in our physical body.
Balance can be found through meditation, yoga, spending time in nature, regular routines with food and sleep.
Red foods such as strawberries, tomatoes, red peppers, red rice, goji berries can also be incorporated into your diet.
Sacral Chakra
The Sacral chakra is visualised as the colour orange and located below the naval, and also the adrenal glands. It is the seat for our emotions and our inner power. When in balance we feel in flow, create and experience balance, process our emotions effectively and choose the actions we take in life. Out of balance we might experience fear, anger and may be less able to express our emotions, we might have excess lust for power and sexual intimacy.
Balance can be found through engaging with the water element, taking baths, drinking more water, listening to water sounds, taking walks next to water. Also, listening to our gut feeling and standing firmly in our thoughts and opinions can really help find balance in this chakra.
Orange foods such as apricots, oranges, turmeric, peaches and carrots can also be incorporated into your diet.
Solar Plexus Chakra
The Solar Plexus chakra is visualised as the colour yellow and located around the naval, pancreas and liver organs. It is our energy bank in the body, bringing through courage, joy and passion. When in balance we can say yes with confidence to what we want, we spend our energy wisely and have the courage to respond to our dharma. Out of balance we might experience shame and guilt and perhaps find it difficult to process grief. We might find ourselves staying in a victim mode and hard to move on.
Balance can be found through spending time in sunlight or by a fire. Gratitude’s and engaging in small and simple activities are really powerful for this chakra. Listening to your soul, allow yourself to daydream and take action on what your goals in life might be.
Yellow foods such as bananas, ginger, lemon, pineapple can also be incorporated into your diet.
Heart Chakra
The Heart chakra is visualised as the colour green, and located around the chest, the lungs, heart, breasts, and circulatory system. It is our gateway to the heart and to love. When in balance we can easily give and receive love, we open ourselves up to trust, humility and intimacy. Out of balance we might feel and experience loneliness, rejection, and disappointment. We might find it difficult to be in intimate relationships or get caught in self-criticism.
Balance can be found through sitting in silence and focussing on the heart chakra. Looking inside of ourselves and performing selfless acts without requiring anything back.
Green foods such as avocado, peas, pears, broccoli, lime and kale can also be incorporated into your diet.
Throat Chakra
The Throat chakra is visualised as the colour blue, and located around the throat, mouth, oesophagus, back of the neck and thyroid gland. It is all about our expression here on earth, how we use our voice to manifest our dreams and make ourselves heard. When out of balance we may have difficulty making ourselves heard, we might speak negatively about ourselves and others. We might have difficulty listening in conversations and wanting to be right.
Balance can be found through talking positively about ourselves and others. Checking our existing relationships and situations and being true to self.
Blue foods such blackberry, blueberry, blue spiralina can also be incorporated into your diet.
Third Eye Chakra
The Third Eye chakra is visualised as the colour indigo, and located around the forehead, eyes and brain. It is all about our inner wisdom for ourselves, we see everything in a larger existence. When out of balance we may be prone to depression, confusion or stress related symptoms.
Balance can be found through meditating and engaging the focus inwards to calm thoughts.
Indigo foods such as blueberry, blue spiralina, acai can also be incorporated into your diet.
The Crown Chakra is visualised as the colour violet, and located around the crown of the head, skin, brain and also the hormones. It is all about being at one with everything, connection to the universe, beyond our physical bodies. When out of balance we may feel disconnected with ourselves and others.
Balance can be found through meditating, connecting with nature and others.
Violet foods such as acai, blackberry, red cabbage, aubergine can also be incorporated into your diet.
There are so many ways the body can feel and experience connection to the energy body and also feel disconnected to it. If you are looking to balance the chakra system or a specific chakra try out the suggestions above, and also carry out a visualisation of all the chakras as you move up from the root to the crown.
For further guidance to re -find harmony get in touch and together we can re find your unique balance.
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Find your balance, rediscover your soul gifts and watch as your life blossoms and flows before your very eyes.