Throughout the last 5 blogs we have dived deep into digestive health! This final blog in the series is all about quick and easy tips to remember!
Just as a quick reference guide, Agni is your digestive fire and Ama is the build up of ‘toxins’ in the body… for digestive health we look to have a balanced Agni and an effective ability to eliminate Ama.
Here are my top ten tips for digestive health!
- Move! Find movement you enjoy and that fits easily into your daily routine. Even a short walk after your 10 minutes rest post meal, will help aid the digestive process.
- Eat seasonally. We haven’t touched on this particularly in our series, but it is super beneficial to see what is about locally in the shops or to forage locally. Your body is more likely to be tuned into taking in assimilating the nutrients from seasonal foods.
- Incorporate the 6 tastes to your diet! It is fun to explore all the different tastes that food provides and how the digestive system can benefit from incorporating these in your day. See blog number 3 to learn more!
- Meditation. we can use meditation and other focussed brain activity to not only help our gut-brain connection and stress response, but also help improve our overall digestive health, immunity and vitality! Check out blog 5 to get geeky on the gut – brain connection!
- Daily Routine. Having regular meal times and eating your largest meal at lunchtime when your digestive fire is at it’s most active is super beneficial for digestive health.
- Eat slowly and mindfully. Taking your time to taste and digest your food can help the digestive process be more effective, and allows the ability for you to tune into what your body might be telling you e.g.
- Sit for 10 minutes after your meal. Allowing your body the time to digest is important to encourage optimal digestive processing.
- Sunshine! There is evidence to support that spending time in the sun (not too much!) is effective in creating lightness and digestive movements in order to aid elimination! Moon bathing is also effective too, great for those who are unable to handle the heat!
- Mindful breathing Mindful breathing are great options for balancing, shifting Ama from the body, and strengthening Agni. The idea is that our life force energy is increased to guide unwanted products from our body.
- Cleanse. In Ayurveda, there are some beautiful, gentle cleanses and even herbal protocols that when supported by a practitioner can effectively eliminate Ama from the body. It is important as with any dietary change to receive support and advice from a practitioner and checking with your medical practitioner prior to starting.
If you feel you might like to explore your digestive health further for yourself, do get in touch with an Ayurvedic Practitioner such as myself to help guide you! Book your consultation today!